

28/07/2003 - 05/08/2020

Stitch was my companion for many years. He came to me in 2004 when he was only six months old, because I wanted another buddy for my cat Garfield. At the beginning he was very scared, “grumpy” and slightly aggressive, but he quickly developed into a cuddly cat of the first degree.

In 2008, when his buddy Garfield died of a severe kidney infection, it was again very hard for him and he fell back into his old “habits”, didn’t want to be touched, etc. However, with a lot of good coaxing, love and treats, this quickly subsided and he was soon back to his old self.

Stitch was a rock of a cat. Not only in size and weight (7 kg), but also in character. He accepted every new cat in my little cat community from the beginning and he always strolled along his territory at a leisurely pace and didn’t let anything upset him, except when food was served. Then this cozy bear became a lightning bolt on four legs. Otherwise, he loved to annoy the female members of the cat gang, for which, however, they regularly chased him around the house.

In his last years, however, he became a little quieter, and it was increasingly noticeable that he was slowly turning into a “Methuselah”. He slept a lot more, had arthritis in his hips and slight respiratory problems caused by two tissue growths near his lungs, which we however managed very well with natural remedies and cortisone depots as well as excellent veterinary care. In the end, however, his increasing health problems unfortunately won out, so that I had to let him go on 5.8.2020 with a very heavy heart.