Mr. Stitch

Mr. Stitch

28.07.2003 - 05.08.2020

Seventeen years of happy meowing, continuous purring, occasional muttering and always on the move in the typical pace. Seventeen years and eight days Mr. Stitch was my faithful companion through all possible and impossible situations. Seventeen years and eight days - That’s almost 84 human years.

Mr. Stitch has been my rock. Literally. A rock of a cat. Big, robust and with an unshakable calmness of spirit, he trotted through his long life, loving to tease his female companions, stroll around the backyard, roast for hours in the sun, and get frequent and vigorous massages. He was always very open-minded and patient towards newcomers. However, as soon as there was food or treats, the cozy tomcat turned into a four-legged lightning bolt.He had many names - Stitch, Stitchel, Mausebär, Bärchen, ollen Sausack (a German, regional, in this case affectionate “insult” when he made a mess) etc. but his character was unique. In the beginning he was still a grumpy stinky cat, but within a very short time he developed into a happy cuddly cat. He had this certain ability to look directly into your soul. We had a very deep and very special bond.

Almost from the beginning he coped with all kinds of health problems. Cat flu, FORL, arthritis, respiratory problems as well as two inoperable tissue nodules in the heart area. Nothing could get him down. Until two weeks ago he got a fever from which he unfortunately did not recover. The fever went down but he was almost lying down. If he walked, then swaying and always along walls and corners. Organically he was completely healthy but the age and probably also the meanwhile grown nodes now took their toll. We gave everything to help him, but it didn’t help. Yesterday I decided with a heavy heart to let him go so that he would not suffer any longer.

Stitch, my heart’s cat, thank you for over seventeen years of faithful companionship, for patiently putting up with my then frequent depressive episodes and for lots of fun and joy. You will be missed here and we miss you very much. I would have wished you so much to just fall asleep here at home someday, in the circle of your loved ones, but it was not to be. Take care my soul mate and don’t annoy the others too much.

Louise, Kalle, Nati, Jerry, Melli and Thorsten