Under construction

Under construction

Wow, it’s been quite a while since the last time something was written here about the grumpy cat servant and his feline masters. In the meantime not much has changed, but something is new:

I have turned my back on Wordpress and now rely on static websites, without PHP and with much less Javascript. The reasons are numerous: the speed in which the pages are shown is much higher, then the security factor: less scripts = less active components = less attack surface. In addition, many plugins on Wordpress do not comply with the GDPR, have, like Wordpress itself, security vulnerabilities, free versions are always annoying with self-promotion, etc.

Many things are still incomplete, especially the picture gallery and the section “Rainbow Bridge”, because at the moment I’m migrating the old posts manually into the new pages, which means a lot of work since I now also offer them in English. Means: Copy from the exported file, paste into the german file, create english file, partly use deepl etc. pp.

In short, it will take a little while until everything shines in new glory with old posts, until new posts come, my loyal readership, consisting of two regular readers, will have to be patient a little longer.